Tired of feeling disconnected, cut off and invisible?
Do you long to be seen, accepted and belonging to a faith-filled parish community?
WELCOME to St. Gerard Roman Catholic Parish.
We are called to live out Jesus' Commandments of Love in our contemporary world.
Come and experience powerful praise and worship as you grow in your relationship with Jesus.
Lend your ear and your voice to our wonderful choirs.
Meditate on our Pastor's relevant messages. Celebrate the Eucharist with us.
We would love to have you join us!
The Parish Pastoral Council is pleased to present
The 2024 Annual General Meeting and Breakfast
Sunday, September 15 after the 11:00 AM mass.
Come and learn what is happening in our parish from the many active and vibrant ministries.
Click here to view the itinerary.
The CWL and Knights of Columbus are pleased to present Michelle Jansen of the Calgary Police Service for a discussion on Spam, what to be aware of and how to protect yourself.
Criminal methodology continues to become more and more sophisticated and we all need to be aware of their tactics and know how to respond. Don’t miss this important and informative session, no charge or registration required, just come and learn.
St. Gerard's Parish is now accepting registrations for children's sacraments: First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.
The children's sacrament program aims to offer children the opportunity to develop their faith and grow in their relationship with God and His Church.
As a parish, we believe it is the responsibility of the entire faith community, especially the parents/guardians, to share the commitment to religious education. Thank you for enrolling your child(ren).
For more information, click here.
Recycle and repurpose your cards to support local families.
Do you have old greeting cards that are no longer needed? Consider donating them to the Calgary Mission Council. All greeting cards are acceptable as long as there is no writing on the inside left panel. Please donate the cards intact.
Drop off your new or used greeting cards to the Mission Council box at the Hospitality table in the church entrance.
The newly repurposed cards are sold for $1 the last weekend of the month in the parish hall. A selection is always available in the parish office during office hours. All proceeds to Mission Council Calgary, which supports the needs of local families.
Card-Making Workshops are being offered at Holy Spirit Church (10827 - 24 Street, SW) and will resume in September.
Thank you for your support!
The FORMED subscription is FREE
for all St. Gerard parishioners.
It's easy to sign up. Click here and then enter:
St Gerard Catholic Church (Calgary)
Faithfully keeps you updated with what's happening in our Diocese; it also gives a snapshot of faith at work in the lives of everyday people in our Diocese; and provides us with opportunities to spread the Good News of Christ beyond the walls of our churches. Subscribe at catholicyyc.ca/faithfully