When someone in the family passes away, please contact the Funeral Home of your choice. The Funeral Home will then connect with our office staff to see if Fr. Ignatius or a visiting priest, and the venue is available. Then our volunteer funeral coordinator will contact you to make further arrangements.
No funeral / burial services on Mondays or weekends unless approved by Fr. Ignatius.
We are deeply sorry for your loss. Our goal is to provide you with the best support during this most difficult time. You are in our prayers. God bless.
To pre-arrange a funeral service, please contact the Pastoral Coordinator. (See Contact Us on this page.)
Ryan, Rachel2024
Belisle, Madeleine
Boudreau, Devin
Carloni, Rita
Gonzalez - Victor Vargas
Hamer, Sophie
Hannaford, Mona
Herman, Elizabeth
Just, Lucie
Kurucz, Margaret
Lupio, Emily
McCaffrey, Linda
Moroney, Jill
Nagel, Theresa
Panera, Francisco
Pickard, Joyce
Quigley, Donna
Scott, Ron
Stoesz, Carrie
Summers, Ryan
Yohemas, Edward
Alay, Laurence
Baldwin, Lorraine
Balfe, James
Daignault, Laurance
Dawood, Ismail
Doyle, Thomas (Tom)
Duncan, James (Jim)
D'Silva, Ruth
Haley, Brenda
Hope, Kerry
Kowal, Jospehine
MacKay, Sandra
Maurette, Shirley
Moroney, Delores
Neil, Joseph
Smith, Theresa (Terry)
Szakony, Andy
Teppler, Trude
Barry, Cyril (Cy)
Bowditch, John Fred
Briere, Harry
Fantastico, Rosemarie Perez
Fennell, Rosemary
Galandy, Mary Theresa
Killian, Alan
MacDonald, Patricia
Marin, Duralin
Marshall, Muriel Frances
Misuraca, Hazel
Nesselbeck, Cliff
Ng, William (Bill)
Plumley, Randall Joseph
Primiterra, Rochelle Marie
Raffin, Silvia
Rokosh, Emily
Scaife, Patricia
Stroppel, Harry
Tamayo, Feliciano
Vetsch, Francis (Frank)
Villaroman, Benigno
Welsh, Patrick Joseph
Young, Agnes
Barry, Eileen Mary Ann
Bestianich, Sheila
Creasey, Jim
Conti, Giuseppe
Dondlinger, Jack
Donovan, Joseph Paul
Drake, Doreen
Feldhaus, Clemens Heinrich
Hennessey, John
Hennessey, Lisa
Jaques, Mina
Kuntz, Lillie Louise
Lycka, Sophie
MacDonald, James
McAuley, James Samuel
Metcalf, Calvin
Nesselbeck, Louis
O'Donoghue, Jacqueline
Palillo, Raphael Paul
Pollo, Angie
Porter, Eileen
Purcell, Lawrence Patrick
Rakochy, Trisha Lee Ann
Rowley, Paul
Smith, Vernon George
Taylor, Brenda Ann
Taylor, Joseph Cavanaugh
Wagner, Erma
Webber, Patrick John
Williams, Jocelyne Lucienne
Young, Robert