Welcome to the St. Gerard's Parish Renewal webpage. We are embarking on a four year journey, guided by the Catholic Diocese of Calgary and supported by our Parish Renewal Committee.
Exciting initiatives are currently underway, many of which have already been identified in the St. Gerard's Parish Pastoral Plan.
Check back for updates (see May 1 update below) on the renewal process and how you can be involved. We are all called to help make the renewal a success. To offer your time, talent and support, contact John Crerar, the Parish Renewal Chair on this page.
To review the key points of the renewal initiative set out by the Diocese, click here.
Ten dedicated parishioners have joined the Parish Renewal Team to guide the parish back to pre-covid activity levels. Their planning, insight and inspiration will come to fruition with your support. Many new and exciting activities and Ministries will be established over the next three years.
COR Men's Prayer Group
We have recently launched COR, a new Men’s Payer Group which meets every first and third Saturday of the month (resumes in September) to support and encourage men's spiritual journey together.
High School Youth Lunch
St. Gerard's plans to host a Youth Lunch for Our Lady of the Rockies students, with the goal of defining the scope of a new parish youth group.
There will be many more activities coming in the Fall and all parishioners are invited and needed! Use your time and talent to build your church and faith community. You are called: you matter, you belong.
If you are interested in rolling up your sleeves, contact the office or John Crerar, the Parish Renewal Team Chair (See John' contact information on this page).